Merit Badge Counselor Directory - Search By Name

This list is to be used by Adult Leaders Only

Before a Scout begins working with a merit badge counselor, the Scout is to have a discussion with their unit leader letting them know they would like to earn a specific badge. Proof that a discussion has been held is indicated by the unit leader's signature on the Application for Merit Badge, No. 34124, commonly called the "blue card." Although it is the unit leader's responsibility to see that at least one merit badge counselor is identified from those approved and made available, the Scout may have one in mind with whom they would like to work with. The unit leader and Scout should come to an agreement as to who the counselor will be. The Scout must be allowed to work with the counselor of their choice, so long as the counselor is registered as a Merit Badge counselor with the Scouts specific Council, and has been approved by the council advancement committee to teach that specific badge. Summer Camp counselors or Council / District sponsored merit badge events are the only exception to this rule; the counselor must be registered with the home Council for sponsoring the camp / event.

Results for:

Woodwork Merit Badge

Filter By Counselor Name, District, Troop, City or State: Clear Filter

Name Contact Info Location  
Adam Shook Mt. Mitchell District
Leicester, NC
Andy Osiecki Looking Glass District
DawnAnn J Dykes Looking Glass District
Clermont, FL
Don Henderson Looking Glass District
Hendersonville, NC
Don Henderson Looking Glass District
Hendersonville, NC
Gabriel Bishop Looking Glass District
flat rock, NC
George Lofton Looking Glass District
Jack Caldwell Falling Waters District
Waynesville, NC
Jared Benedict Falling Waters District
Franklin , NC
Shane crook Looking Glass District
Biltmore Lake, NC